Since 1932
The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and of the Board; call all meetings of the club and of the Board provided for in the Bylaws; nominate all Standing Committees and present them for confirmation to the Board at their first meeting after the annual election; be an ex-officio member of all Standing Committees except the Nominating Committee; sign, together with the secretary, on behalf of the club, all contracts, bonds and other written instruments approved by the Board; countersign all checks in excess of $150.00. Subject to the authority of the Board, he or she shall exercise general supervision over all the affairs of the club. He or she may, with the approval of the Board, remove any member of any committee. At the end of his or her term, the President shall make a report of the affairs and general concerns of the club during the year.
In the absence of the President, his or her duties shall devolve upon the Vice President. The Vice President shall be in charge of programs for all regular meetings; be responsible for attendance and food arrangements for meetings; assign duties involving support functions at meetings such as ticket sales, refreshments, equipment setup, removal and storage
The Secretary shall keep full and correct minutes of all meetings of the club and the Board; prepare and mail regular and special Bulletins and notices to members; attend to all correspondence incidental to the affairs of the club; and affix the corporate seal when necessary and proper.
The Secretary shall be custodian of all minutes of meetings of the club and Board, correspondence, Bulletins, and other records of the club. At the end of his or her term he or she shall turn over to the succeeding Board, in fastened form, such records of his or her year of service and notes, newspaper articles, programs, pictures, etc., pertaining to or of interest to the club and its members. The Secretary and the Board shall be cognizant of the fact that such records may have historical value for the club and others.
The Treasurer shall be the custodian of moneys belonging to the club; deposit these moneys in the bank, or banks, designated by the Board; collect all moneys due the club and disburse all moneys owed; and promptly advise the Membership Secretary of the dues collected, to enable the Membership Secretary to keep membership records current. The Treasurer shall prepare statements of the club’s financial condition as required or requested by the Board.
The Treasurer shall sign all checks for disbursements, except that where the total obligation for any single transaction exceeds $150.00, then such check shall be countersigned by the President or the Vice President. No single obligation may be divided in parts so as to make the total obligation appear to be less than $150.00.
The Treasurer shall invest and deposit funds of the club only as authorized by the Finance Committee and the Board, and advise the Board of pending redemptions of money instruments, and redeem, renew or reinvest such funds only as authorized by the Finance Committee and the Board. Before signing any checks for disbursement, he shall verify the correctness of any bill, if necessary, in consultation with members of the club initiating the expenditure. Notwithstanding Section 7.1, the Treasurer may make disbursements in excess of $150.00, without specific authorization by the Board in each such individual case, if such disbursements are for periodic, usual or customary bills or outlays connected with the club’s meetings or special events, providing such special events have been authorized by the Board. In all other cases, the Treasurer shall require approval of the Board to obligate the club to expenditures in excess of $150.00. At the end of his term, the Treasurer shall submit to the Auditor of the club all of his records, his income and disbursement records, bank records, investment records, paid bills and all other records pertaining to his term in office as Treasurer, for detailed scrutiny by the Auditor, in order for the Auditor to present a report of the financial condition of the club at the end of the year.
Trustees shall be responsible for the management of the club and its affairs; constitute its governing body in all matters affecting its finance, discipline and harmony; prescribe such rules for its regulation as may, from time to time, be found necessary or desirable for its proper management; and authorize all expenditures of the club in excess of $150.00.